企业品牌Logo演示特效AE模板 Quick Logo Sting Pack 12: Five Logo Parts

Use these 14 Logo Stings as quick Intro/Outro, or eye-candy between scenes. Perfect for users who want to showcase their logo as often as they can, without getting their viewers bored.

All basic customization options like colors, flares, shadows etc. are easily accessible within ONE layer. The ability to render each project in up to Ultra HD resolution make these stings future proof as well!

The clean, bright, simple style of the Stings make sure your Logo gets the most attention. Some Animations are cartoonish bouncy, some other elegant and smooth.

The 14 projects are all well structured and easy to customize.

* 14 unique Animations
* elegant, clean Style
* Future-proof 4K UHD resolution (FullHD Output and lower possible, too)
* CS5 and above
* no Plugins required (Optical Flares is prerendered)
* easy customization with Control Layer
* Tutorial included
* Expression Universalizer was used to support various After Effects languages

To sum it up: With buying this package you get overall 14 Animations, ready for render. Drop in your logo, write your text and hit the Render-Button. It doesn’t get easier than that!

Sounds are not included, Links to purchase them on Audiojungle are included in the zip.


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  • 名称:企业品牌Logo演示特效AE模板 Quick Logo Sting Pack 12: Five Logo Parts
  • 大小:1.2 GB
  • 版权:仅供参考学习,请勿直接商用
  • 时长:00:03 , 00:04 , 00:08
  • 分辨率: 3840 x 2160(4K (UHD))
  • 应用支持:After Effects