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SK-II Future X Pop Up Store

SK-II Future X Pop up Store  
Intelligent Video Wall Interactive Experience

MY ROLE Lead Designer & Animator
SK-II launched this campaign of pop-up Future X Store currently touring in Tokyo, Shanghai, Singapore and many more countries to showcase their latest products featured by cool technologies. I had a great time working on this Intelligent Art Wall, which is one of the major installation in the store,
Here is a teaser of the installation. All the digital contents and effects are responsive in real-time. They are triggered by user’s head movements and facial expression.
I was involved starting the early phase of this project in developing visual directions for this interactive video wall. We knew that it is going to implement the latest facial recognition technology which capture’s human facial recognitions. SK-II client requested the style to look ‘futuristic’ and eye catching while still remaining the brand essence. I explored with some design directions for how the effects could potentially look like.

Here are some mock up that shows the screen in relative to human size. There are 3 interactive stations and people are welcomed to walk up and play with this interactive wall.

I worked closely with the Design Technologist and Developers in this project. The biggest challenge is to push the capability of technology and create the most stunning visual results while still being a ‘lag-free’ experience.
Going through rounds of visual and animation R&D, I created this behavior sheet showing how users’ specific action would trigger different effects.

Here is a spread sheet for colors triggered by emotions.

This is loading state design. When no user is interacting with the installation, the screen would present an idle state. The very moment someone walks up, loading state appears and takes users into the action state of the experience.

Voila! Here are some screenshots of the final visuals generated by C++ by our super talented Creative Strategiest, Simon Geilfus. The final outcome of the interaction was not only smooth and ‘lag-free’, the visuals looks even better than my initial designs!

Test test..
Testing Depth of Field and technical testings.

Installing in process…I think this was in Shanghai..

And.. there!! Was a huge success, people loved it! Official Case study video coming soon.

Was challenging, but it paied off, Here is a full interaction screen demo, hope you like it!
Thank you,
Hope you liked it!


SK-II Future X Pop Up Store