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Kompass app

About app
The platform which allows to come to know the price of the real estate item. Registration via email, user gets the verification link. After the registration user enters the address and sees the map. There are different addresses with the prices which already exist in the database. The plaform supports English and German.
Target audience
Real Estate buyers & sellers.
It was necessary
To make up a concept and design the app.

After user enters the address and sees the map, he selects the type of the property (house/apartment), its size, the number of rooms, condition of the property, the number of garages, balconies etc., whether he is the owner or not, whether he wants to buy or sell the property. Based on the zip-code, the system gives an estimation of the property. The user also has option to edit his profile with personal info and look through the history of searches.

Start to explore
The Kompass app aim is to rank cost of a real estate property for user interest satisfaction. It allows you to get market insights for your target. Browse an area map to learn more info about places to live and work with its estimation across the country. Easy and free. Try by yourself on kompassapp.de

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Kompass app