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诸神黄昏 – Twilight for the Gods

●创作灵感来自一首苍凉且震撼人心的曲子 —《最后的莫西干人》。无意中在微博看到的一段视频,一名印第安打扮的男人跪在街头,在他面前是一个身材矮小的玩偶,我以为是什么杂技表演,直到音乐响起,内心深受触动。


●The inspiration came from a bleak and stirring tune – the Last of the Mohicans 。A man dressed in Indian kneels on the street,A tune contains the birth, rise and fall of a civilization。It’s like life,lowly, our life is from the climax to the end。From the original ambition, it has become a hero in the twilight years, sitting watching the sunset, waiting for the demise of life。


诸神黄昏 – Twilight for the Gods