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Designers Brasileiros Pela Democracia

(Brazilian Designers For Democracy)
Few days before the final voting for the presidential election in Brazil, we decided to react and create a last-minute movement in defense of democracy and diversity, in opposition to the authoritarian and discriminatory speech by Jair Bolsonaro (currently, the elected president for 2019).
We invited all Brazilian designers to sign and support the cause. In only two days, we gather more than one thousand names, including some of the most influential designers such as Adhemas Batista, Adriel Nunes, Andre Holzmeister, Átila Meireles, Celso Longo, Danilo Silveira, Danilo Rodrigues, Fabiano Higashi, Fabrício Teixeira, Felipe Rocha, Fernando Bittar, Pedro Burneiko, Leo Porto, Nelson Balaban, Rejane Dal Bello, Rogério Lionzo, Thiago Franco, Vinicius Araujo, Vitor Andrade and many others.

Created by BRGB
Manifesto by Rafael Bessa
Ideation, design and code by Diogo Akio & Danilo Campos

Special thanks to:
Gabriel Felipe Gonçalves for improving our code
Rede de Mulheres Atuando em Design e Inovação for the suggestion in our manifesto
Renato Campana for helping us with the site maintenance
and everyone else that supported the cause signing and spreading the word.


Designers Brasileiros Pela Democracia