  • 全部
  • 图标
  • 平面图形
  • 背景纹理
  • Mockups
  • 字体库
  • 幻灯片模版
  • Ui Kits
  • 样式/笔刷/动作
  • 网站素材
  • 视频/3D
  • 其他

Archivo Rastro

Archivo Rastro is an exhibition project based around a photographic archive that was generated by buying, digitalizing, and cataloguing more than 3.000 negatives and slides found in the Madrid Rastro. The Archivo Rastro team requested that the identity should be used both for the archive and for the graphic image of the exhibition, in addition the images of the archive should be present, but without confusing the receiver about the exhibition purpose.

Curators: Louis-Charles Tiar, Cati Bestard and Marta Sesé.
Exhibition design: Cati Bestard, Marta Sesé and Fase Studio.
Exhibition and artworks photography: Galerna Foto.
Thank you 🙂

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Archivo Rastro