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Gift of Time

From the very first memory of Christmas, we all remember it as a time to share love and kindness.
It’s a magical time that brings people together, irrespective of culture and borders. Christmas has always been associated with gifting, and for the same reason, it’s perhaps the most anticipated holiday on the calendar. 
So this year, we wanted to put together a message that kept the warmth of Christmas at heart and spoke about why we do the things we do as a brand. At Dunzo, we realize that times have changed and people have gotten caught up with more things than they ever could imagine. There are more things to distract you, occupy you, and deter you from doing the things you are passionate about.
Be it spending time with your family or taking that piano lesson you always wanted to. 
Time is the most valuable commodity there is, and we’ve been striving to offload all the mundane tasks that tie you down so that we can free up your schedule. We wanted to put together a message to remind us all that we don’t need to turn back time, we just need to save it. 
So this Christmas was all about giving that time back to you. Here’s the animated video we put together:

Sketches & frames

Thank you for your time

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Gift of Time