The World Without Us

T h e  W o r l d  
W i t h o u t  U s
Narratives on the age of non-human actors

In a world that is not at all far away »World without us«, people are replaced by machines, artificial intelligences are optimised by other AIs and algorithms are programmed by self-learning algorithms. This is how a radically different, post-anthropocentric world could come into being, in which non-human life forms prove to be more adaptable under certain circumstances than man himself. The artists at the HMKV (Hartware Media/Art Association) in the culture centre Dortmunder U present a post-human ecology as a central theme. This new era, which has imperceptibly already begun, is the era of non-human players.
An exhibition catalogue showing scenes of excessive nature where man no longer plays a part. Nature, which almost seems to be artificial, is the central theme of an iridescent cover as well as the copper engravings of succulents that have long survived us.

e x h i b i t i o n

Photos: Hannes Woidich
The World Without Us